
Gene Editing & Embryology Facility

Utilising cutting edge gene editing technologies

The Gene Editing & Embryology Facility provides a transgenic mouse and cell line generation service, together with a complementary program of cryopreservation and rederivation.



Extensive information about the sequence of both human and mouse DNA suggests that mouse and human genes are similar and appear to serve similar functions to the extent that changes in the equivalent gene usually lead to similar inherited diseases. Our unit provides services for the production of genetically modified mice to be used as models to understand human diseases. The creation of genetically altered mice requires specialised techniques and central provision has significant advantages by providing a pool of experience and expertise that reduce and refine the numbers of mice required to generate new genetically altered lines.

The Gene Editing and Embryology Facility (GEEF) provides a complete service from initial concept to a germline confirmed transgenic line. We utilise CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to engineer gene on/off switches, genomic deletions, protein tags, and point mutations to recapitulate human diseases. Other capabilities include extensive expertise in generating transgenic mES cell lines and the associated production of mES chimeras.

image of blastocysts


Gene Editing & Embryology Facility

Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit
Adriano Buzzati-Traverso Campus, Via Ramarini 32
00015 Monterotondo (RM), Italy

Email: geef_rome@embl.it
