Solutions for urgent global challenges

Harnessing molecular biology to accelerate the Green Recovery

The life sciences have a critical role to play in tackling our environmental crisis, and helping economies lead a Green Recovery on a global scale.

Leading European molecular biologists came together in 2021 to identify current and potential solutions to challenges in four research areas: global warming, loss of biodiversity, biogeochemical flows, manufactured pollutants.

The findings are set out in the white paper Harnessing molecular biology to accelerate the Green Recovery, released to inform and stimulate debate at the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow and beyond. The paper identifies key research projects and opportunities to scale up solutions, and includes recommendations for action by researchers, communities and governments.

cop26 white paper cover

EMBL and COP26

25 October 2021 solar panels

Sustainability at EMBL

Details of EMBL's transition to a sustainable organisation including the new Sustainability Strategy.

cop26 logo

Solutions for a Green Recovery

EMBL is spearheading projects to identify solutions to tackle climate change and enable the Green Recovery.


Tara Oceans

Understanding how plankton influences earth’s climate

people attending a course


Harnessing the animal gut microbiome to improve meat production

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